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defence in depth

См. также в других словарях:

  • Defence in depth — For the Information Assurance strategy for computer security, see Defense in depth (computing). Defence in depth (also known as deep or elastic defence) is a military strategy; it seeks to delay rather than prevent the advance of an attacker,… …   Wikipedia

  • defence in depth — gynyba į gilumą statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Gynybinių pozicijų sistema, išdėstyta į gilumą taip, kad galima būtų slopinti ir palaipsniui susilpninti priešo puolimą, neleisti priešui nustatyti gynybinės sistemos ir leisti vadui manevruoti… …   NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas

  • Defence-in-depth (Roman military) — Defence in depth is the term used by American political analyst Edward Luttwak (born 1942) to describe his theory of the defensive strategy employed by the Late Roman army in the 3rd and 4th centuries AD. Luttwak s Grand Strategy of the Roman… …   Wikipedia

  • Defence in depth (disambiguation) — Defence in depth may refer to: *Defence in depth, a military strategy for defense *Defense in Depth (computing), an Information Assurance strategy for computer security …   Wikipedia

  • Defence Research and Development Organisation — Sanskrit: बलस्य मूलं विज्ञानम् Strength s Origin is in Science [1] Agency overvi …   Wikipedia

  • Defence Research and Development Canada — Defence Research and Development Canada, also Defence R D Canada or DRDC (Recherche développement pour la défense Canada, R D pour la défense Canada, ou RDDC in French), is an agency of the Department of National Defence (DND), whose purpose is… …   Wikipedia

  • Defence (Emergency) Regulations — The Defence (Emergency) Regulations are an expansive set of regulations that were first enacted by the Mandatory authorities in British Mandate Palestine on 27 September 1945. Incorporated into Israel s domestic legislation after the state s… …   Wikipedia

  • Defence Aviation Repair Agency — The Defence Aviation Repair Agency, better known as DARA, was an executive agency of the United Kingdom Ministry of Defence, responsible for the maintenance and repair of Royal Air Force, Army and the Royal Navy s aircraft. It became part of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Defense in Depth (computing) — Defense in Depth is an Information Assurance (IA) strategy in which multiple layers of defense are placed throughout an Information Technology (IT) system. It addresses security vulnerabilities in personnel, technology and operations for the… …   Wikipedia

  • Strategic depth — is a term in military literature that refers, broadly speaking, to the distances between the front lines or battle sectors and the combatants’ industrial core areas, capital cities, heartlands, and other key centers of population or military… …   Wikipedia

  • Harbour Defence Motor Launch — The Harbour Defence Motor Launch (HDML) was a British small motor vessel of the Second World War.The HDML was designed by W J Holt at the Admiralty in early 1939. During World War II 486 HDMLs were built, mainly by yacht builders, in the United… …   Wikipedia

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